- went to see "Mars Attacks!" from Theater Hora.
- rehearsed with "die Freischwimmer".
- went to Brig to sign for a bank account in Switzerland for the playades where my very best acting friend Eva Mann is a member. Met her very fun friend Cindy! And had a look at Brig. *Check*
- Got definitely into Jingle Jungle and signed the contract! Fingers crossed I'll get jobs now!
- Asked Alice Brauner the CEO of CCC Films what she thinks of withoutabox.com
- got an account on withoutabox.com
- made a project to promote & distribute my movie from ZFF 2014 "Zufalls Zauber" starring Gabriel da Silva.
- went to cologne for four days to shoot with Kunst & Verstand. Though I waited a lot and only could get 30 Seconds in front of the camera, it was an adventure and fun to meet other actors!
- skyped with my acting friend Will Cohn
- worked on my acting blog (a new one)
- had a call with Kunst & Verstand where after he was shocked about my age. So I guess, that this is over.
Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy 2015!!!